I am getting used to blogging and have to admit I am rather enjoying it. It helps me with my routince and gives me yet another good reason to wake up early in the morning to get my day going.
I mentioned I trained as an artist and I recently got an honourable mention in the Art-Interview online competition. I forgot to do two things and have discovered you can't edit your blog once it has been posted (or if someone knows how - please let me know).
So here they are - 1. The image of my winning picure and 2. A link to my paintings website
Oh and 3 - I still paint under my maiden name - Anne Blankson-Hemans
Your comments (be kind to me) as usual...
Congratulations Anne on getting an honorable mention in Art-interview. I like your paintings they are bold and vibrant with striking designs. I can also imagine publishers being interested in using them. Good Luck.
Thanks so much Hani. I'm honoured to receive a compliment from you. I think you are a brilliant artist. I need to spend some time looking for galleries and publishers.